Last weekend was Gracie's weenie race at Golden Gate Fields. We had a blast. Although, Gracie didn't quite make it out of the gate as planned. Unfortunately, the gate didn't open properly because the lady next to me was standing under the lever. The gate opened just enough for little Gracie to wedge her little weenie bod underneath. When she finally got out she got so confused and just ran around back to me. Oh well. We'll try again next year! It was still fun to see all those weenie dogs walking around.

I guess it's never good to be in the first heat. That's where they work out the kinks.
Gracie before her race. She's in the zone.

Keep an eye on the lady to my left.

Gracie sees Nate on the other end with her chewy stick and she's ready to go!

Still in the zone.
She's got her eye on the prize.

Check out the bar hitting the lady in the back! Gracie can't get out of the gate!

She's finally free!
Weenie dog chaos.

Enjoying the horse races.